Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Roses from our Mother

Mary said, " My heart praises the Lord; my sould is glad because of God my Savior, for he has remembered me, his lowly servant. From now on all people will call me happy, because of the great things the Mighty God has done for me." Luke 1: 46-49

Wednesdays are one of my favorite days to pray the Rosary because of the Glorious Mysteries. The Assumption of Mary into Heaven is one of my favorite decades. I love reflecting on the magnificat during this decade of the rosary and when I am truely immersed into it I can feel the motherly joy that radiates from her. Lately, I have begun saying the daily rosary again and am so enriched by it. Truely there are an abundance of extra graces recieved when you recite this prayer daily and I can feel it in everything I do. Like a jogger has extra energy in her days when she has a good run, so I feel when I commit myself to praying this faithful prayer. I like to pray the scriptural rosary so that I can constantly focus on what decade I am to contemplate on. The scriptures said out loud transform this ancient prayer and it becomes a delight to recite this rather than just one more thing to do to get your daily prayer in. I have taken up the advice of a seasoned mother I know who suggests praying one decade at a time throughout your day as you have time to do so. I put this into action when I am putting my babies down for their nap, folding laundry or even taking time out of our busy schedule to pray with John and the kids befor he leaves to work. Our Blessed Mother has a storehouse of graces she is just waiting to give to us generously if we just ask. The rosary is a sure bet you will have an abundance of graces to get you through your day.

Mary Sena <><

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